Monday, September 30, 2013

Structures Model Projects

Anezka Gocova

Christopher Szymberski

Jonathan Heinz

Elaine Zeng

Caylee Dyck

Mickella Sjoquist

Du Pengfei

Jiffy H. L. Lee

Justin Taylor

Deanne Manzer

Melody Redekop

Vanessa Goldgrub

Mark VandenDungen

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Landform Model Projects.

Mickella Sjoquist

Caylee Dyck

Elaine Zeng

Justin Taylor

Christopher Szymberski

Jonathan Heinz

Anezka Gocova

Du Pengfei

Jiffy H. L. Lee

Deanne Manzer

Melody Redekop

Vanessa Goldgrub

Mark VandenDungen

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Structures presentation photos.

Random shots from structures models presentation.

The Clearing

The Clearing is the space cut out of the fabric of the forest, for dwelling agriculture and gatherings.

In literature, fables, and even for toys, the clearing figures prominently 

Unclipped Hedge

Many plants will form a natural hedge when planted close together. Obviously more natural looking. Not necessarily more beautiful or even more healthy for the plants.

The clipped hedge

The clipped hedge has long been used as a way to make a wall from plants. They can be any shape and can assume any shape with much more ease and at a much lower cost (in time anyway) than structures.