Monday, September 23, 2013

Readings group 3, 4, 5 and 6

You really aught to make it a goal to read everything on the readings list, sigh.
Eventually you really should. But below are the ones that you are required to read and submit questions for. Enjoy! This is a sampling of a wide history of Landscape Architecture dating back to the birth of modernist Landscape Architecture with guys like James Rose.

Readings due for readings session three.

1. Goldfinger, The Sensation of Space

2. Condon, A Designed Landscape Space Typology

3. Olin, L. "What I do when I can do it: Representation in recent work." 

Readings due for readings session four.

1. Cardasis, D. (1996). "Imaginary Gardens with Real Frogs." 

2. Burle Marx, R.. "A Garden Style in Brazil to Meet Contemporary Needs with Emphasis on the Paramount Value of Native Plants."

3. Arnold, Henry. Trees in Urban Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold York, N.Y. pp. 47 -76

Readings due for readings session five.

1. Thiel, P. “Processional Architecture.” 

2. Thiel, Philip.  "A Sequence-Experience Notation". 
3. Walker, P. “Classicism, Modernism, and Minimalism in the Landscape”. 

Readings due for readings session six.

1.  Rose, J. "Freedom in the Garden: A Contemporary Approach in Landscape Design."

2.  Rose, J. "Plants Dictate Garden Forms: Each has place as Material in Landscape Design." 

3.   Rose, J. "Articulate Form in Landscape Design: People and Materials Defeat Preconceived Pattern." 

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